Photo a Week Challenge; PINK 2/14/19

I can be so judgmental sometimes….

Like Nancy says in her challenge for us this week, I’m also not much of a girly girl. And unlike Nancy, for whom pink  “is never my first choice of color for anything”, in days passed, I actively disliked and avoided PINK.


But I am cursed (yes, and blessed) with the drive to find a lesson in anything I “actively dislike”.

I wrote about PINK once before.

Some one gave me a gift…a polar fleece vest…in the ugliest color…bright fuchsia?! Not a color I would ever choose or wear…too fake looking….I didn’t even like people who wore this color. AND, didn’t the person who gave me this ugly thing, know that pink is way too “girly” for me? I put it in the closet…way in the back…

A couple of years later, I am on a Spring walk with my camera, in search of new flowers. I come across a stunning flower, the brightest color for miles around (or so it seems). I have these thoughts, “there are so many colors in Nature that we just have not been able to duplicate. We don’t even have names for some of the colors we see in a sunset or a flower. This flower is a spectacular color!! I wish I had something to wear in this color…”

I pick just a blossom leaf or two to take home. I put them in my pocket.

That same week I am doing a closet downsizing for a Goodwill run and find the never worn, long-forgotten ugly pink vest tucked way in the back…..and then I remember those bright colored petals!


Can you see the petal??

I blushed about the same color!

Needless to say, it has become one of my favorite things to wear. I even got socks, a scarf and shoes with a stripe in the same color!

Now I’m wondering if I owe my gift-giver an apology…….


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So I had to get to the bottom of this. Why such a strong reaction? It’s just a color, right?

Way too long a story (including a couple of years of hard-core therapy) later, I traced my prejudice back to a relatively off-handed comment from my Aunt. I had run away from home at 15 and ended up living with her in high school. She sewed these beautiful clothes for me, whole outfits for daily and church wear, as well as various Prom-type formal dresses. Always in hues of pink.

My favorite color is blue, since very early childhood, and my Aunt knew this so one day, I asked her to make me some thing BLUE. Her response, the casual remark I mentioned above? She said, “No, pink is better. Then the boys will all think you are still a virgin….”

I was shocked and protested, apparently way too much, because it was a disagreement we were still having when she was on her death bed. She never believed me and I never forgave her for that.

Still painfully ironic today because no budding young Flower Child, Hippie-Chick, California Girl in the 1960’s ever successfully fought harder to “save herself for marriage” than I did.

Talk about swimming against the tide of the sexual norms of those days!

So when I finally became more “enlightened” by the late 60’s and early 70’s, apparently I buried the reason for, but still held on to the active dislike of all things PINK!

Aren’t you glad you asked??

Oh wait, you didn’t…another bright pink blush here…


I have since fully embraced PINK in all its hues and tones, in nature, as well as in my decorating choices.


Here’s an example, if you feel inspired to read more about it. I wrote it to anchor the gratitude I have come to feel for my ancestors (especially my Aunt) and all their powerfully feminine (and PINK) influences in my life.

Heritage for WPC 5-17-17


Pink outfit
Faded photo from 1965…outfit all pink, including the shoes!

Thanks for reading and I really love comments, especially when my vulnerable, pink insides are kinda hanging out there for all to see….


A Photo a Week Challenge: Pink

Photo a Week Challenge-Eyes 12/21/18

A Photo a Week Challenge: Eyes

Try saying NO to these eyes…..

love my hat tooDSCN5106one beautiful boyDSC_0226mmmm, shepherd's pie

They have been testing my Grand-mothering will power for almost 16 years!!!

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Anyone else hearing the Guess Who right now???

A Photo a Week Challenge: Things with Wings

Two Wing Stories 

Took my grandsons for a fast food breakfast last year as a treat before school. I knew if I put out tidbits, birds would come but I was expecting seagulls and look who we got! It did feel a little like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” but it was also very cool.

Some of the photos are better than others but each shows something particular about Crows, my favorite bird!


And then at our mountain retreat one time on a walk, I came upon this scene.



Something had spooked this rafter of turkeys and they were very anxious to get on the other side of this fence!

So one by one, with what seemed like it should have been monumental effort, they gracefully flew to safety.


Well, one guy was a little distracted I think…


I thought they had all made it over but then spotted a very distressed youngster, running up and down the fence line, frantically gobbling. He was the last one left and I swear he was saying “Hey, wait for me! I’m not sure I can get over! Help!!”


He did finally make it but it was close and clumsy! Whew!

I have waited for so many years to catch turkey flight on camera. This day I hit the jackpot!


A Photo a Week Challenge: Things with Wings

a Photo a Week Challenge: Water


I come alive around the water. I grew up on the beach in San Diego, so I am particularly fond of the Pacific Ocean.




Living in the Washington State for more than 45 years now, I have had to be creative in fooling my psyche into believing all water is the same…beautiful, calming, energizing, inspiring.

I’ve actually done a pretty good job. Of course, the Pacific Northwest is a water paradise

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But occasionally, I still need to travel in search of water…

Mississippi River in Natchez
A Lagoon in Alabama

And if I can’t get to a large body of it, I’ll settle for anything…

Street Anemones



PS I apologize for my complete lack of restraint!! Picking just one of almost ANYTHING is just too big a challenge for me these days.

A Photo a Week Challenge: Water

A Photo a Week Challenge: The Fruits of your Labor

I’m a Professional Childbirth Attendant. Almost 40 years so hundreds of births now.

But my photos are not about that kind of labor.

This is called Zen Bead Embroidery.


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I started this one with the two tiny copper giraffes

You start with a color theme, or maybe a single button or charm or bead.

Next, collect and collect and collect some more, beads, buttons, rocks, shells, charms, tiny trinkets of any kind, until you have a gathered a bowl or box or pile full of the colors you want to use.

Then, settling as much as you can into a Zen mood, you simply start sewing things onto whatever size canvas/cloth you have chosen. No plan necessary. This is a moment to moment experience. No rhyme or reason. The only patterns will be those that occur to you or that simply emerge as you labor. There is no right, no wrong, and there are no mistakes.

You will spend however many minutes or hours you wish in each stitching session…until you know you are done.

Don’t worry if you cannot muster that Zen feeling. The stitching will assist you.

Or, if you have ever sat through someone’s labor and childbirth, you will already know how.

Frame, if you wish.

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I wanted to be able to call this one Ocean so I just gathered blues and greens and whites for foam

If you figure out that you actually like doing this, you can even choose an image, and let yourself fill it in, Zen Bead Embroidery style.

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And then, you can frame it, or keep it, or give it to your son, your original, 10 pound “labor of love” and tell him it is a “once in his life time” gift!!!

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A Photo a Week Challenge: “Fruits of your labor “