Spirit Lifters-Day 20 of being “Grounded” Part Three

OK, I’ve never had a Facebook page.

I know, I know, but I’m only telling you because I think what I am sharing today is more like what I have seen on Facebook. One of them even came from Facebook.

In my quest for daily Spirit Lifters, I came across these three things that have been a delight to experience!

Since I know dancing, singing and laughter are the best spirit lifters, here you go!


The first, though it sets the bar pretty high, is so inspiring, it makes me want to find the nearest dance studio and take lessons. Oh wait…Social distancing would prevent that.

So maybe I’ll just go outside and dance alone on the lawn. Who knows, after they get over gathering still more proof that the oldest resident in the neighborhood is very weird, my neighbors might join me!

We could start a new Anti-Virus Lawn-Dancing CRAZE!

Maybe it would go VIRAL! (ha-ha…too soon?)


Next, since there seems to be some bad-mouthing going on in my country about the younger people ignoring the Stay Home edicts in different states, I found this wonderful example of young people, coming together and doing something amazing and spectacular from the safety of their homes!! And I have to admit, I love that it’s a Boomer Song!

(I guess you’ll have to copy and paste into your browser. I don’t know how to make it a link on my post…I don’t really even know if I’m allowed to share these this way.)


But my favorite is this last one, the one from Facebook.  Delightful, hysterical, touching, and I bet you watch it more than once!



Where ever you are, even if your local government has not insisted that you do, PLEASE Stay Home and Stay Safe!


Lens Artists Photo Challenge-45 Street Art

Great topic! But please forgive my irreverence. I am just now surfacing after writing a particularly heavy article for The Seeker’s Dungeon, and am looking for some LIGHT now! 

So here goes…


We don’t get much Street Art around here so I am improvising today.

We have plenty of “Road Art”… mostly created by teenagers or the winter sunrise.



Then there is the ever popular Driveway Art…featuring the Paper Boy, the local ant population, and the contribution of our neighborhood fruit trees… 


(I seem to see ART in a lot of driveways…)



Next we have Pot Hole Art



And the hard to miss Road-Side Art…creators unknown.



Oh, and then there is Wall Art (not to be confused with Walmart)…


And I guess I should include Driving-on-the-Street Art


Also, Deck Art (not to be confused with Art Deco)

avocados accidentally left outside…for months…


But my favorite might have to be Art SEEN from the Street

The Rock, on San Juan Island…


I suppose I could count this sentimental shot as Street Art, of interest only to my mush-head family…



Or maybe this depressing Street Art, warning us of still another upcoming McMansion being built on our tiny lane…



Or, I we can go to the local yearly Art Fair to see Sidewalk Art…which I have to admit was pretty spectacular…



But as for actual  Street Art around here….not so much!





Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #45: Street Art

Photo a Week Challenge 3/28/19 theme-Ducks in a Row

On a trip to Paradise (which is what we call my sister’s home on San Juan Island), I had a close encounter with some actual Ducks in a Row.

There was just a little confusion though.

(Never wished more for a good telephoto lens, but I hope you get the idea. I took these from the upstairs bathroom window!!)

The pond in Paradise is beautiful and a source of entertainment all year round. Right now, there is not a lot of bird activity but the other night, out on the lawn, we had a campfire, and were serenaded by an orchestra of frogs!!


Last  Summer when we were there house-sitting, I got to witness one of those delightful mysteries of Nature.

Here it is in photos. Please forgive the quality, but try to enjoy the story.


It’s a big pond so lots of room for more than one type of waterfowl.

Here are two different duck-Mama’s, each with three ducklings.

Mama Mallard
Other Mama. Two hatched, and one to go…

Enter mysterious confusion.

Wait. Where’d that 4th one come from?


I know I had three just a minute ago…
Hey, who is that little one?


I guess I’ll just snuggle in between these bigger guys where it’s warm.

I love this one. You can see the two baby siblings of the first born “odd duck” up above on the log with its adopted family.

Hey, those two look more like ME!

Anyway, I guess these Mama’s cooperated in raising their ducklings…kind of a Blended Duck Family.

But they each got them all in a row at one time or another.



A Photo a Week Challenge: Getting Your Ducks in a Row

LensArtistsChallenge #20 Doors/Doorways



We have this one really dark hallway in our 100 year old house…so dark that we had to install an extra light. This zigzag shaped hall is about 9 feet long and is pitch black in the middle of the day.

Off the hall are the doors to a bathroom, two bedrooms, a floor to ceiling linen closet and a long pantry…making a total of 8 doors in this small space.

This hallway was a frightening to my son when he was very young so we transformed it from the “scary dark place” to the special “room”, made especially for checking out all the “Glow in the Dark” things Mom could find; toys, stickers, sports shoes, and even a couple of t-shirts.

Once he was no longer afraid of the “dark place”, it became a favorite indoor playground. He learned which of the doorways he could “climb”, frog-walking up the openings to see how high up and for how long, he could suspend himself in that doorway.

And he discovered early on that because of the shape of the tall linen closet (it was angled due to the stairway to the basement located behind and below it) he could climb the shelves and shove himself into the larger, top-shelf space, plenty big enough for a kid.

Pulling the door closed behind himself, he could curl up and hide, and apparently even sleep in there. (My son has now taught his sons all the secrets of this hallway.

Here’s what part of the “scary dark place” looks like with the lights on.



Side by side…



Lens-Artists Challenge #20 – Open Sesame: Doors and Doorways

Lens-Artists Weekly Photo Challenge-10/28/18 theme- Just for FUN!

OK so I have a lot of photo shoots with a strange group of “models”.

And it is definitely when I have the most FUN!!!

Once upon a time, there was a tiny village and they fell in love with a monster who came to visit.


The Village Dogs just loved this visitor and knew that even though she LOOKED terrifying, she wasn’t! Maybe it was the way she took care of her monster sister?


And the sister had a friend, nick-named Badfish, but not because he was bad. He was just “BAD”.


The Monster stayed for the holidays and helped decorate the tall parts of the tree the tiny villagers couldn’t reach.


Then the village teenagers, a non-violent gang, invited the monster’s whole family to join in the annual Cow Tipping Contest! What an Honor!


The Monsters didn’t quite get the “tipping” part but definitely enjoyed climbing the cow!


Next, there was the annual competition to see who could climb the tallest Blue Building, and the Monsters were a huge hit!! Their audience raved about it!


The Monsters loved their new Village but some of the town’s people were upset by one of their bad habits!


The End

(although maybe not. One of those giant turds appears to be an EGG!!!)

For more on the story of my becoming a Bug Mother, read this:


Lens-Artists Weekly Photo Challenge: #17 Just For Fun

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge 9-1-18 ACTION

I officiated yesterday at a lovely outdoor wedding, with beautiful Mount Si as the back drop.


These shots are all before the real “action” for the day started.

First, there was the worrisome action in the sky, but the potential rain bearing clouds politely passed over before most of the guests arrived.

Then, while waiting for the ceremony to start, came the delightful, energy-releasing actions of these impatient flower girls.


But I can almost guarantee the action (though invisible) in this last photo is much more chaotic than the clouds or the dancing in the above photos, as this Groom awaits the beginning of his wedding.



Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #9: Action