Spirit Lifters–Day 328 of being “grounded”

I don’t do Facebook so I don’t know the protocol here. Forgive me if I am stepping on anyone’s toes. I don’t know who to credit. Not even sure this will work, and anyway, you may have already seen it.

But just in case you missed it, this definitely lifted my spirits!!

(Warning: rated R due to completely forgivable fowl language…but it IS a Cat, so there’s that…)


Spirit Lifters-Day 55 of being “grounded” 4/29/2020

Watch this to help meet your Recognition Hunger…virtually!


And here is one of my favorite organizations. I have loved their newsletter for a long time and they are a wonderful resource during these days. I especially liked the collection of articles in the April 21st issue.







And for some good feeling laughs, another episode of Some Good News from John Krasinsky



Lastly, look what I found on my walk yesterday…growing in a long stretch of icky weeds.

I’m tellin’ you…ya gotta keep your eyes open for these sweet things!




Hope you are hanging in there. Please share any Spirit Lifters of your own in “Comments”.

Spirit Lifters-Day 19 of being “grounded” Part Two

I still get out to walk briefly each day and the sun has done its thing for me out there also. It points itself directly at something.

It’s as if it’s tapping me on the shoulder, saying “Uh, Hellooo!”

Look up. Look around.

Nature is still here for you, unaffected by the Virus.







PS The MINUTE after I posted, I watched this little video on Greater Good Science Center’s newsletter. PERFECT timing! Short. Enjoy!


Pull up a Seat Challenge 10/25/19

I’ve been saving photos for this challenge for a while so here goes:

One of my favorite places to Pull up a Seat (if I can’t be right next to the Pacific Ocean) is on my sister’s porch….especially at, but not limited to, sunrise. Nothing like having your morning coffee on this porch in the early summer.


Deck Garden 3

But then there are benches all over their property for sitting and becoming one with Nature…

Or you can be like Ola, the Wonder Dog, and plant yourself on one of the bridges over the pond between the house and the gardens and green house. (Although this might be better titled “Pull up a BED“.)

Ola, still on duty


Ah, but the memories of me with my grandsons pretend-fishing off these bridges…Maybe that’s my favorite.

Pull up a seat


I love seeing where other species choose to Pull up a Seat.



Then there’s our friend Mark who has a very boring selection of where to Pull up a Seat



At our Mountain Retreat, someone has chosen to Pull up a Precarious Seat, but for very good reason!


They were putting in a new glass roof over our other favorite place to Pull up a Seat…our Porch Swing!


It looks out over a beautiful valley.



I always hate when this time comes each year when the porch seat gets tied up to make room for firewood…



Then I just remember all the different butts that have planted themselves here.

Father/son moment


Three Brothers


Then there were two…



And I know James is not looking forward to being just one…

But he’ll have so many memories to savor…pulling up this particular seat!

porch swing



Pull up a Seat Photo Challenge 2019-Week 42

Photo a Week Challenge–Beauty 4-18-19

Ah, such a subjective theme.

In this context, we’re talking visual beauty…that we can capture with a camera…or at least, try to capture.

Maybe it’s because of my father’s lessons about being able to find something amazing to look at anytime, anywhere. (I just wrote this story about that.)

V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #40 “Things my Father said”

Or maybe it’s because I have spent so much of my life around people who are blind, including several up close and personal relationships, in which I was often called upon to describe something beautiful with words. (I often fell woefully short. I mean, YOU try describing an Abalone Shell with words!) Maybe my awareness of visual beauty just became heightened.

In any case, in my world, absolutely anything qualifies.

So picking photos for this topic is a challenge. I’m going to go photograph the first thing that came to mind (mostly because my son and grandsons just brought me souvenirs from their Spring Break trip to Hawaii).

Be right back. (7:22 AM, 4/20/19)

I’m Back. 9 AM. That was both a fun and frustrating experience. Delightfully fun to experiment. And frustrating to realize there is just no fully capturing the amazing beauty of an Abalone Shell…at least not with my camera equipment.



Of course, this post made me research the history, meaning and healing properties of the Abalone shell. What an amazing gift from Nature! Here’s one site.

https://www.energymuse.com/abalone-shell.html    (this is basically an ad for jewelry, but full of info about the shell.)

And don’t even get me started on “creation”. I mean, the Abalone Shell!  How in the world??? WHY in the world? Who first discovered the beauty hidden behind that “ugly”, rough exterior?? ETC. ETC.

Thanks for this Challenge. What a delight!!







A Photo a Week Challenge: Beauty