LensArtistsChallenge #20 Doors/Doorways



We have this one really dark hallway in our 100 year old house…so dark that we had to install an extra light. This zigzag shaped hall is about 9 feet long and is pitch black in the middle of the day.

Off the hall are the doors to a bathroom, two bedrooms, a floor to ceiling linen closet and a long pantry…making a total of 8 doors in this small space.

This hallway was a frightening to my son when he was very young so we transformed it from the “scary dark place” to the special “room”, made especially for checking out all the “Glow in the Dark” things Mom could find; toys, stickers, sports shoes, and even a couple of t-shirts.

Once he was no longer afraid of the “dark place”, it became a favorite indoor playground. He learned which of the doorways he could “climb”, frog-walking up the openings to see how high up and for how long, he could suspend himself in that doorway.

And he discovered early on that because of the shape of the tall linen closet (it was angled due to the stairway to the basement located behind and below it) he could climb the shelves and shove himself into the larger, top-shelf space, plenty big enough for a kid.

Pulling the door closed behind himself, he could curl up and hide, and apparently even sleep in there. (My son has now taught his sons all the secrets of this hallway.

Here’s what part of the “scary dark place” looks like with the lights on.



Side by side…



Lens-Artists Challenge #20 – Open Sesame: Doors and Doorways