Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #77: Favorite Photos of 2019

I had a slightly startling revelation as I was plowing through thousands of photos from 2019….and No, I don’t mean realizing that I take way, WAY too many pictures. I already knew that.

I had already picked 29 “favorite photos” before arriving at the end of February. I was exhausted trying to choose so I stopped there.

It became clear that, only on occasion do I take a photo hoping it will capture exquisite beauty or be all “artsy”. Instead, often I snap away at images that will enhance a good narrative. Good visual aids for a tale that might interest, tickle or inspire someone.

I guess I’m saying I prefer story telling over photography, which is what startled me. I might be saying that although I am an extremely visual person, and I still hate writing (see my bio), I’d rather write you a story with photos than anything else.

So here are the pictures I picked (for January and February)…with the most brief explanation an overly wordy, *unpolished writer can come up with. (*ending my sentence with a preposition…)



This is the Seattle skyline, especially the Columbia tower. I took this while trying to distract myself, waiting at the Harborview Medical Center to find out about a very blue, slightly broken ankle…and yes, I took pictures of my ankle but will spare you. It was so cool to see the Tower from this perspective, having just officiated a wedding at the top a few months prior.



Next, we have a poignant plea tacked onto the neighborhood’s most beautiful old tree. The note was written by a very young environmentalist, a precocious 6 year old, when she realized they might cut down this tree in the process of building a new home across the street from hers.

The note didn’t work so I felt compelled to capture as much of the mystery and beauty of this tree’s remains as possible. I did several posts on it.




Next, I thought I’d experiment with my new point and shoot Canon on the occasion of the Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. I was not that disappointed given the limitations of my equipment.



We had a ton of snow in January, a bit rare for the Seattle area. I worried about all the birds I feed all year round (mostly Crows, Hummingbirds, and a variety of seed birds). I had wondered what would happen in the snow to the Covey of Quail that visited each morning to clean up under the bird feeder, after the messy House Finches had their breakfast.

I guess I needn’t have worried…



Throughout the last few years, I have shared about my bugs. I love photographing them (and coming up with silly captions).

Lucy says “I know, I know…not a toy, right?” (Good Kitty.)
Giant, Spiny Australian Leaf Bug…GIANT indeed…


And of course, my cats. This was Lucy’s way of comforting me while I had to stay off my feet for a while for that ankle thing.


My favorite photo of Lucy last year though was the one at the top of the page.

You know that thing older people sometimes do, where they are frantically searching for their glasses, only to find them right there on top of their head? Well, I took this shot after a frantic 20 minute household search for Miss Lucy. She has never been outside (our neighborhood is plagued by coyotes) so when I couldn’t find her, I panicked! I called and called her and though she is normally, the sweetest, most sensitive, gentle and affectionate cat I have ever had, this photo captured something akin to disdain. A kind of judgment at my ignorance, having walked literally right under her nose probably 10 or 12 times! sigh.


I walk daily, and if I keep my eyes wide open, like my Dad taught me very early on, I can make the same exact walk completely different every single day. I look for anything Nature has re-arranged (since yesterday) for my personal viewing pleasure.


This is one of my all time favorite photos…a total accident!



Thanks to the Lens Artist Photo Challenge. This was really fun…and I fear there may have to be more installments. I hope you’ll comment.

And visit more of my Blog in the future!

Happy New Year from ChosenPerspectives!



Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #77: Favorite Photos of 2019

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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

17 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #77: Favorite Photos of 2019”

  1. Hi! I am glad you were able to post with a link. We don’t close the challenge so you can post up to the next Saturday at noon when the next challenge goes live. I love your header shot and the blood moon. Wonderful! Thanks for posting!

  2. I enjoyed all your photos but was pleased to see the quail ! NE Ohio hasn’t had quail since the hard winters of the late 70s , coupled with loss of habitat – houses take trees in our area too.

    1. Oh I had no idea about your Quail. But I guess I was surprised to see them here even though our winters are mild by comparison. And having to watch those trees come down…sigh, heart wrenching.
      Thanks for commenting. (Hopefully I’ll share more in the New Year of our newest family member…)

  3. Great selections! I especially love the the Super Blood Moon, wow!! Birds are so cute, they are challenging to capture in photos.

  4. I love Miss Lucy! I am so glad she was save and sound on the shelf. So cute! ❤💜💚 I also love to walk, and can ALWAYS find fun stuff to photograph. I enjoyed your post 🙂

      1. “onthebeach” was my email I created a few years ago when planning my 50th birthday trip to Sandals resort on the beach in Antiqua (Caribbean). Sadly I do not live by the ocean, but vacation there anytime I can! 🌴

      2. Me too! I lived in San Diego for 9 years. Work called us into Arizona. But I was born in the NW. The beach IS in my cells. Any beach, any where. But warm tropical beaches are my favorite! And PS, it WAS wonderful! 😊

  5. I do the same thing except sometimes, I take the pictures and THEN I write a narrative to fit the pictures. Yes. WAY too many pictures and some kind of inability to delete the ones I will never use. But sooner or later, I’m going to have to do some serious deleting. I can’t afford another huge computer!

    I didn’t even try to find those best-of pictures. I got tired even thinking about it.

    1. exhausting…but I am currently inspired because my long time Samsung (best quality, highest def screen available 7 years ago) finally wore out. So I am slowly choosing which photos to transfer to new Lenovo, even though my computer guru says I could never fill this new one given the amount of space it has. (Some part of me is tempted by that as a challenge though…uh oh…)

  6. It truly is ridiculously difficult to choose favorites, so I sympathize. I do like the ones you chose. Such a variety – those huge icicles bring back memories when I used to hack them off the roof where we used to live. I especially like the macro shot of the leaf! The narrative and the photo(s) do make a great combo 🙂

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