Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge—Eyes 4/30/19

When it comes to Eyes…I only have three choices…all of which I have posted about before. But there you have it. These three sets of eyes figure very prominently in my life!

First, the most eye-connecting cat I’ve ever met, my sweet (recently passed) heart-cat, Zorro. We would commune deeply, through these long, meaningful stares….for 18 years.

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I wrote Zorro’s Life Story for Katzenworld here: https://wordpress.com/post/chosenperspectives.com/18061


By no means, in second place, the eyes I have posted the most often are my grandson’s.

This boy surprised us all when he was born.

His mother has these beautiful, mischievous brown eyes.

His Father, gorgeous, penetrating yellow/hazel ones.

And no where in either of their lineages are any blue eyes…except little old ME, so obviously some ego mixed in with my love for his eyes!

JuJu not feeling well


Looking into these baby blues for any length of time can get you into serious trouble.




Now, just to make sure the record is straight…the eyes you just looked into above are, in my opinion, beautiful and impactful.


But below are my favorite eyes…the ones I get lost in…for so many years now, the eyes that carry me through every day of my life, the ones where I see the most love reflected right back at me…




Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Eyes

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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

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