Lens-Artists Challenge #115-Inspiration 9/23/2020

I am so lucky, so blessed, to be inspired, energized, and moved to gratitude by so little.

Oh it’s not that I don’t love witnessing grandeur. The Redwood Forests, Grand Canyon, the Mighty Mississippi, and a sunrise in Fiji, all moved me to tears.


And it’s not that I always remember to look for inspiration in the really small or mundane things.

But when I need inspiration, It shows up for me in amazing ways….


Like the sunset last night…first time I’d seen the smoke-hidden city and the Olympics in 10 days. Inspired me to keep holding on…

And these lovely, end of season flowers have been such a joy. I can only have flowers in my house in one location, the bathroom. My otherwise, well-behaved cats insist on dumping vases, just for fun, and the bathroom is off limits to them, because they also climb shower curtains!


My junior high school boyfriend, and his son, paid me a visit a few weeks ago from clear across the U.S. We’ve stayed in touch all these years, which inspires me to value shared history, and to refuse any limiting definition of “friendship” .


Spotting this lovely on my car inspired me to consider deeply, the hand-painted beauty of Nature!


This, in my yard…


And these at the local Farmer’s Market yesterday, inspired me to eat healthy, even though otherwise disgusting treats are extra tempting during this Covid Lockdown time!

Speaking of produce…this guy moved me to a huge Belly Laugh! At first I saw a large- nosed cyclops with a tail. But then I realized the tail was an arm…still on a big-nosed cyclops.


During our 8 or 9 days of Smoke-from-Hell, due to West and Northwest Coast fires, I had to be doubly sequestered…behind drawn shades, closed curtains, air purifiers blasting 24/7, and no daylight. So seeing the return of our usual beautiful blue skies was more than inspiring. It gave me the determination to hang on.



This morning in my unused office-group therapy room, I spotted this plant. At first, I thought “tears”…but then realized it could mean “abundance” (of water).

This one, you may have to think about for a minute, but seeing the two things side by side inspired me to remember…everything is relative, and I can choose different perspectives on things as time passes. (Forgive my rare derogatory, political comment, but seriously, have you ever seen a more condescending smile???)


Seeing that last one, I am moved, energized and inspired to encourage everyone I cross paths with to VOTE!!!



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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

9 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #115-Inspiration 9/23/2020”

  1. Lots of food for thought (pun intended) in this one! don’t get me started on the block editor – and I mean it, I am definitely not going there unless they kill the classic. Hope you find your way back! Loved your serious AND your humorous sides in this one. The tomatoes of course are perfection and the fact that your old boyfriend AND his son looked you up! I’d definitely pass on that “opportunity” LOL – clearly yours was better than mine! Finally, inspired by your inspirational thoughts and images, including of course, the last.

    1. Wow, what a wonderful comment! Thanks so much!! My original boyfriend and I have always stayed friends and now, he and my husband are buddies too! Come to think of it, we are still friends with my other 2 old boyfriends, and one has been our best friend for 13 years!! I love that!!
      Thanks for a great challenge!

  2. Love your post. The inclusion of a friend you’ve had for so many years and one of the funniest tomatoes I’ve ever seen indicate to me that you love many things — from the serene to the laughable. And you even have an opinion about the election. A great, eclectic post!

  3. I love the range of your inspiration–from tomatoes to politics! It’s so touching that your friendship has endured and deepened with time. That’s really an inspiration. And as for voting, I’m on it! Supporting candidates and contests are essential now, more than ever. Take care and stay inspired!

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