Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Letter K (anywhere in the word) 2/18/2020

OK, so I’m selfish. I decided to make this post be about ME.

I’ve been curious lately about my WordPress “statistics”. In my perusal of old posts, I came across a Draft titled: 7 months, post 149, 92 followers June 13, 2016. I never finished it, I’m sure because I thought it was way too egotistical.

I have tried all these years to be fairly unconditional with myself about all things quantitative with my Blog, so I was surprised recently to see that my number of “followers” (a word I continue to feel so pressured and embarrassed by…) had ballooned to 499!

And even more shocked that I started really wanting just that ONE MORE Follower!

Come on! 500 is such a great number!!

So I’m claiming that desire and offering up a reminder of a few of the posts I feel the best about. Maybe someone will see one they missed, read it and share it? Maybe someone who is a new visitor here will become a “Follower”. (Oh my gosh, can’t we just say “reader”. Followers need a Leader and I am so much more LOST myself than most!)

I hope you will find something from this list that you enjoy, or even better, learn from.

And to the 499 of you, who clicked some box that now labels you in my blogging world as a follower, Thank You so very much for your continued visits, and for the pressure your numbers put on me to be better and better at this whole Blogging thing.

With love and gratitude,

Kathleen Kelly

The age I was when I wrote  my very first story


This was my reader’s favorite. I was actually quite surprised by this, and very touched. I love this sculpture, by a dear artist/friend, Virginia. She made it for herself after being one of “Peggy’s” volunteer caretakers in hospice (for way longer than any of the medical staff expected.) Peggy just kept rallying, saying she was not ready because she was working on accepting her second wing. Virginia, the artist, hadn’t planned on selling the piece. but my sweet James knew how much this piece moved me and, for my birthday, surprised me with it.

for pausesandclicks and her family

Peggy,etc. from James 001
Peggy contemplating that second wing…

The requisite “K” is in “clicks”. By the way, one of the best photography blogs EVER!!


Here are a few  of my favorites.

This one is the story of why I started writing in the first place. I have 52 only slightly edited chapters that I really do want to share in a book someday.

Absolutely Nothing is Absolute

And the story I refer to with my embarrassing self photo above, and also in the above post is here:

Fluffy, the House Duck




I may write more about my Bugs than I do about my cats, or even my grandchildren for that matter. Here’s just one example:

Like holding air in your hand….

The “K” here is in the fact I got more “likes” for this post than many others!!

But the whole bug story is here:





I have been glued to a camera since my little Brownie, received as a birthday gift in the 4th grade, but I have never enjoyed it as much as I do these days. The convenience and quality of photos available with my phone has been a real pleasure. I definitely have a few favorites, but truly take no credit for them. My favorite category is Accidental Photographs, those long-shot ones you think will never turn out good, show something you weren’t expecting or even that happen with the equivalent of a Butt Dial…



Here’s one of many. I do crack myself up. I think I’m funnier than anyone else thinks I am.

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #34: Close-Up


And lastly, I loved the weekly challenge we used to have called Song Lyrics Sunday. It gave me a chance to share favorite music….a LOT of it. Here’s just one example:

A Song for Helen, who has given us SongLyricSunday for so long!!


Well, that’s it for this post (which will now be past due). I had fun writing it and confessing such a deep dark secret to you all….that I wanted at least one more follower!




(Boy, you have to be a certain age to know what THAT saying means, eh?)

Since I started writing this post, I see a new Follower has joined me!

As of this morning, I have the elusive 500!!



Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Needs to have the Letter “K” anywhere in the word


“featured image” above is of Loki, 3 months old

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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

7 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Letter K (anywhere in the word) 2/18/2020”

  1. During one strange period of blogging, I gained about 1200 followers in about a month. I never figured out why, either. Because really, I’ve got maybe a dozen people who really follow me — actively — and a lot more who are “signed up” but never show up. At this point, I have more than 14,000 followers and I STILL hear from the same dozen people. I’m pretty sure a lot of my followers are Russian or Chinese bots … or maybe Pakistani or Indian bots?

    If I ever heard from all of them in the course of a day, my computer would explode. I used to try and look to see who my followers were. Half of them seemed to be real estate salespeople from Bangladesh or floor cleaners from Indonesia. I’m pretty sure they don’t really read my blog!

    These days, I read, but I don’t usually comment unless I have something to say that I haven’t said a few thousand times before. I find myself boring. Sad, but true.

    Statistics are illusory.

  2. I love this trip down memory lane. I do remember that deer photo. Haha. It seems you and I were sort of on the same “page” today blog-wise. 🙂 Today was my 2 year anniversary blogging – WP even sent me a Congrats banner LOL.
    Glad to see you’ve gotten to 500! Great childhood photo too. I have one like that somewhere, but with those cat’s-eyes glasses (remember those?).

    1. YES, I remember those. Had some myself but apparently refused to wear them. I would go out the door to school in the mornings with them on but hide them in a neighbor’s bush until after school. Bad kid!!! (Well, not really. That was probably the worst thing I did.)

      Glad you are in my blogging world! Happy Anniversary!

      1. If I hadn’t worn them to school, I wouldn’t have been able to see my way there LOL.
        My 3rd grade school photo is a fright.
        Glad you are in my blogging world too – Thanks 🙂

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