Photo a Week Challenge-Sleeping 2/13/2020

I know all cat guardians have favorite photos of their cats sleeping. I’m no exception.

I think this is the last time I saw Loki asleep…at least two months ago.


This may be why…


But then there is Phineas, who will sleep anywhere, anytime, and through most anything.


Maybe it’s our house ,because even visitors fall asleep here…


Of course, disappearing into the carpet may have helped.


Lucy, the Baby of the family (until that evil Loki showed up) also sleeps where ever she wants.


But she always slept way better with Zorro right near by.



So did Phineas..


We all miss Zorro, the protector of us all, even in his sleep….



A Photo a Week Challenge: Sleeping

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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

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