Nancy Merrill’s Photo a Week Challenge-7/7/19 theme-Grandparents

Ahh, controversial topic for me.

My Mom’s parents figured prominently in my young life, but pretty much continued their emotional excommunication of my mother, with my sisters and me. So there was no closeness. Mostly disdain.

I never met my “father’s” parents because I never met my biological father.

My Dad’s parents were gone before I was born.

I was close, for a while, with a boyfriend’s step grandmother.

Just not much experience with grandparents. So I became dedicated to being a good one myself!

I am “Dammaw”! Hear me roar!

bondingDownload practice 11-11 541Download practice 11-11 543Happy GrammaJuJu not feeling wellRThat's my JJSimona's12-10 175Back ups for missing picture folder 970


Disclaimer: I’m responding strongly to this topic, but obviously not with my own photography. 



A Photo a Week Challenge: Grandparents

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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

12 thoughts on “Nancy Merrill’s Photo a Week Challenge-7/7/19 theme-Grandparents”

  1. Ugh…such family history drama. Been there, done that – although not regarding grandparents. Can’t change the past, but can go positive into the future. Sweet pics. Love your grandma name too!

  2. Good for you !
    My Dad’s mother died 19 years before I was born, and my Mom’s mother doed when I was three.

      1. I have had a couple. But I’m 73 so I’m more likely to be adopted…

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