Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #53 “your choice”

Well, because I am having a brand new experience this month–house/animal sitting for some fish, 2 dogs and a bunch of, uh, fowl, I’ve chosen Chickens as my topic.

I love all birds but never really noticed how beautifully feathered chickens are so I’ve been photographing these guys a lot.

Here are some samples!20190705_10423820190701_07522320190629_09134820190705_10425320190705_104235

Hey, how’d you guys get in here??




Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #53: Your Choice

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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

7 thoughts on “Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #53 “your choice””

    1. Thanks. I never knew any before…but I might be in trouble now as the only meat of any kind I have eaten in 45 years is, on occasion, CHICKEN! Not sure how I will again now. 🙄

      1. I like to eat chicken, too, but wouldn’t want to the ones I got to know personally. They’d be family pets, if I had any.
        I just try not to think of it.

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