Photo a Week Challenge 3/28/19 theme-Ducks in a Row

On a trip to Paradise (which is what we call my sister’s home on San Juan Island), I had a close encounter with some actual Ducks in a Row.

There was just a little confusion though.

(Never wished more for a good telephoto lens, but I hope you get the idea. I took these from the upstairs bathroom window!!)

The pond in Paradise is beautiful and a source of entertainment all year round. Right now, there is not a lot of bird activity but the other night, out on the lawn, we had a campfire, and were serenaded by an orchestra of frogs!!


Last  Summer when we were there house-sitting, I got to witness one of those delightful mysteries of Nature.

Here it is in photos. Please forgive the quality, but try to enjoy the story.


It’s a big pond so lots of room for more than one type of waterfowl.

Here are two different duck-Mama’s, each with three ducklings.

Mama Mallard
Other Mama. Two hatched, and one to go…

Enter mysterious confusion.

Wait. Where’d that 4th one come from?


I know I had three just a minute ago…
Hey, who is that little one?


I guess I’ll just snuggle in between these bigger guys where it’s warm.

I love this one. You can see the two baby siblings of the first born “odd duck” up above on the log with its adopted family.

Hey, those two look more like ME!

Anyway, I guess these Mama’s cooperated in raising their ducklings…kind of a Blended Duck Family.

But they each got them all in a row at one time or another.



A Photo a Week Challenge: Getting Your Ducks in a Row

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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

10 thoughts on “Photo a Week Challenge 3/28/19 theme-Ducks in a Row”

  1. I love seeing mama ducks and their babies. I lived near a creek many years ago and every spring, there would be at least a couple mama ducks teaching the little ones the fine points of swimming in a row. It’s just too cute!

      1. You’re welcome. Nah, you’re funny to me too. I can relate to that feeling though, sometimes I crack myself up.

  2. Do the ducks eat that algae? We have some areas with that much algae and it turns out to be serious food for ducks and other waterfowl. Great shots, telephoto lene or not!

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