WordlessWednesday 2/14/18

Hard enough for me to remain silent on a normal Wednesday when I am to post a photo with no words…just trust you to interpret on your own and to like or not like the picture.

But this Wednesday is Valentine’s Day. And I have a “statement” photo to post.

I will remain “wordless” until the 15th.

But you don’t have to…..I love comments!!


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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

6 thoughts on “WordlessWednesday 2/14/18”

  1. Snort! I gave my carer today a Happy Valentines Day greeting. She looked at me a little and I then agreed with her look with a fuck off! I imagine this means we are in agreeance? Cheers,H

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