Cheeky for WPC 12/6/17


Not sure who is more “cheeky”. My cat Lucy, or this brazen Flicker who really has no business on this tiny bird feeder!!


Lucy-frozen in her tracks
Flicker says “oh ya, just try and stop me!”
Lucy, creeping closer and closer…
Flicker wins this round!

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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

4 thoughts on “Cheeky for WPC 12/6/17”

    1. I have a small collection of Flicker feathers from our mountain retreat. They are so pretty with their touch of rusty orange color. Only problem is that they have literally eaten their way into the house over there….Grrr. Cheeky indeed!

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