ChosenPerspectives on SHINE for WPC

I see someone else already had a similar reaction to the word Shine. I lost all my old photos or I would be posting one taken with an old instamatic in (probably) 1975 or 76 at a Pink Floyd concert in Los Angeles…I’ll post actual Shine photos next, I promise…


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Thought a blog might help me develop better writing habits so I could finally finish my book, 16 years in the writing, but so far it's mostly photos and FUN!

6 thoughts on “ChosenPerspectives on SHINE for WPC”

  1. My hippie brother artist has been on my blog a few times with his fine art and recently we are standing in front of a field of thousands of sunflowers. The field could be an example of “shine.” But why I really mentioned Randy is he absolutely loves Pink Floyd! 🙂

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